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Certificate of Free Sale


This form is the evidence that products are freely and legally sold or distributed in the U.S. and that they meet American safety and quality standards.


Note: For products that are under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we cannot issue a Certificate of Free Sale. It is necessary that you contact the FDA directly so they can issue the required certificate.


Ask for a certificate of free sale

Fill the following form to request a Certificate of Free Sale

Company Address

Submit a declaration statement declaring the country of origin of your products and that they are freely sold within the United States. This declaration must include:

  • The letterhead of the manufacturer or the company requesting the certificate

  • Include the phrase "products are manufactured in [insert country of origin here] and freely sold in the USA"

  • Contain the names of the products being certified

  • Include the name of the applicant company only if your company is not the one manufacturing the products

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Submit a copy of the invoice showing each of the products you want to include in the Certificate of Free Sale. A minimum of two invoices from different customers are required (one invoice per customer).

The invoices should not be older than 11 months from the date of applying for the Certificate.

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Submit pictures of the labels attached to the product and pictures of the product itself

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